Prabhash running Cable Tv Network as LCO of Tezpur Cable Network since 23 years committed suicide at his residence at Tezpur, Assam.
In a tragic incident, today on Friday, one Cable Tv Operator- Prabhas alias Chinu ( 55 ) of Sonitpur commit suicide. He was facing difficulties over migrating to new regulatory framework notified by TRAI
Prabhash running Cable Tv Network as LCO of Tezpur Cable Network since 23 years committed suicide at his residence.
A suicide note was found near the body of the deceased where it was mentioned that the reason behind his ultimate step for suicide was the harassment faced by him in running the cable TV business from his service provider Ruben (Bolen ) Saikia who was not providing any support to the deceased to cope up with the present Migration of cable TV to new Regulatory Framework.
Tezpur Cable Network is associated to Axom Cable Communication ( ACC) a Joint Venture of Siti Cable.
It must be mention here that many other operators have threatened to commit suicide being unable to handle the pressure of migration process.