Assam: Hojai-Habaipur section is now ready for traffic- NF Railway

Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Commissioner of Railway Safety, NF Circle, Kolkata inspected the newly constructed Doubling Line from Hojai to Habaipur under the Lumding Division.
The 19.87 Km long Hojai-Habaipur section is now ready for traffic. Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Commissioner of Railway Safety, NF Circle, Kolkata inspected the newly constructed Doubling Line from Hojai to Habaipur under the Lumding Division on 2nd February,2019
At first he conducted a motor trolley inspection of the line from Hojai to Habaipur and then again a Speed train trial run from Hojai to Habaipur for opening of the section for passenger traffic.
The newly constructed doubling of 19.87 Km long BG line from Hojai to Habaipur is a portion of the section of Lumding – Hojai (45.5 Km) Patch Doubling Project. It is to be mentioned that the CRS has already authorized a maximum speed limit of 75Km. per hour for running of trains.
As a result the frequency of running of up and down trains in this section will be smooth and time saving. Punctuality of passenger carrying trains and freight trains will be improved. The section has total four stations including Hojai and Habaipur.
The other two stations are Dhalpukhuri and Lanka. After completion of doubling from Hojai to Lumding , the total saving due to avoidance of detention, Railway will save an amount of Rs.7.0 crore per year approximately.
The CRS , NF Circle was accompanied by Mohanlal, Chief Administrative Officer/Con-2, Ram Bahadur Rai, DRM/Lumding, and other Senior Railway Officials of both N.F. Railway Open Line & Construction Organisation.