
Assam: NF Railway run a trial engine on the Bogibeel bridge over the Brahmaputra- Watch Video

NF Railway on Thursday run a trial engine on the Bogibeel bridge over the Brahmaputra.


By Anil Poddar

NF Railway on Thursday run a trial engine on the Bogibeel bridge over the Brahmaputra. The trial run was carried out on one of the two tracks from the North bank (Dhemaji side) to South bank (Dibrugarh side).

Spanning over 4.94-km, the Bogibeel bridge is the country’s longest rail-cum-road bridge. In its 17th year of construction, late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had kick-started its construction work on April 21, 2002.

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu, in his Twitter handle on Thursday stated that ” Bogibeel bridge will resolve the inter-State connectivity issue” . Khandu tweeted: “A train of Indian railway chugging its way thru Bogibeel bridge, the longest rail/road bridge over Brahmaputra river in Assam.

BJP State president Tapir Gao, in his facebook time line stated that ” .I couldnt belief my eyes …seeing the Indain Railway Engine crossing the Bogibil Bridge today on 20th sept 2018 at 3 pm”.


Spanning over 4.94-km, the Bogibeel bridge is the country’s longest rail-cum-road bridge. In its 17th year of construction, late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had kick-started its construction work on April 21, 2002.

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