Assam: 151 Army Base Hospital organised Blood Donation Camp

Voluntary Blood donors from all walks of life both from Military, Paramilitary, students of ( GMCH) participated.
151 Army Base Hospital in collaboration with Mahendra Mohan Choudhury Hospital, Guwahati organised a Blood Donation Camp in Lachit Wing of Rajbhawan on 23 January 2019 to commemorate 132nd Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
Voluntary Blood donors from all walks of life both from Military, Paramilitary, students of Guwahati University and Guwahati Medical College and Hospital ( GMCH) participated with full vigour and enthusiasm.
The Camp was organised under the guidance of Brig Y Singh, Commandant 151 Base Hospital, Lt Col Mukul Bajpai OIC Blood Bank and Technical staff from Base Hospital and 58 FMSD.
The effort was highly appreciated by Governor of Assam Prof Jagdish Mukhi. The secretary to the Governor SKG Baruah (IAS) said that such civil- Military liaison will go along way in improving the general condition of the local population.
All the Blood Donors were also provided with Refreshment during the Camp.