Assam: Royal Art Studio inaugurated

GUWAHATI- Col. (Retd.) Jiten Hazarika, Indian Contemporary Artist inaugurated the Royal Art Studio in the presence of Prof.(Dr.) S.P.Singh, Vice Chancellor, Ms.Angira Mimani, Registrar, Arch.Anita P Y, Dean, Royal School of Fine Arts, faculty and students on 22 April 2021 at Royal Global University.
Col.Hazarika, speaking of art, stated that Art is Kalasadhana; an artist should be well read as books impart aesthetics; to achieve expertise, mind should be pure; know religion to make a good human being; do not envy; 64 kalas define us and the language of the heart can be spoken by few. He also asked students to meditate, as to achieve excellence, one has to practice art of all forms, eg., cooking, dancing, singing, painting and finally one achieves moksha. Art must be soul satisfying and from the heart.
He goaded students to never stop their inner inspiration even when faced with initial deficiencies as fire though at times may get covered by smoke, moves away when blown away. He asked the students to not follow anyone blindly. Art should have fantasy, mystery and vagueness.
Prof.Singh, mesmerized by the wide array of paintings and sculpture, spoke fondly of how he envisaged Royal Global University as a canvas to paint upon it various schools of excellence for students to flower in them with robust activities and become a center of excellence in Northeast. As a geologist, he visions art in all forms of nature and enthused students to keep the fire in their belly burning.