Assam: Services of DPO, DDMA, Hailakandi terminated

In an order issued by the CEO, ASDMA on Saturday, the service of DPO, DDMA, Hailakandi, Ikbal Hussain Laskar has been terminated.
The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has terminated the services of District Project Officer, District Disaster Management Authority, Hailakandi, Ikbal Hussain Laskar.
In an order issued by the Chief Executive Officer, ASDMA on Saturday, the service of District Project Officer, DDMA, Hailakandi, Laskar has been terminated with retrospective effect from August 11, 2018.
Laskar has been asked to hand over all the official documents and electronic gadgets to the Field Officer, Hailakandi revenue circle and to settle all the financial liabilities incurred during his tenure.
The action against Laskar was initiated by the ASDMA on the basis of reports filed by Deputy Commissioner cum Chairman, DDMA, Adil Khan. In his submissions, Khan pinpointed the criminal offence committed by Laskar of fradulently submitting the Annual Confidential Report (ACR) to the ASDMA for renewal of his annual contract without his approval or knowledge.
The matter came to the fore when ASDMA sent a letter on August 18 intimating Khan about the renewal of his contract. Taken aback, Khan dashed off a letter to Joint Secretary and State Project Coordinator, ASDMA about the whole matter. On enquiry, Khan found out that Laskar kept him in the dark on the need to endorse his ACR for the three-month period and submitted it in a fradulent manner to CEO, ASDMA and got his contract renewed from July 1, 2018.
Moreover, Laskar has been found inefficient, callous and incapable in discharging his responsibilities of disaster management and preparedness and remained conspicuous by his absence when flood wrecked havoc in the district in June this year. Despite several warnings, he did not mend his ways. Show cause notice was served on him and the reasons he cited was unacceptable and thus rejected outright by the authorities concerned.