“Finding Beauty in Garbage”, a Film based on garbage in Dibrugarh town produced by a Govt official tells the shameful story of Dibrugarh town.
By Sanjay Khaitan
“Finding Beauty in Garbage” a short film has been awarded the Best Short documentary film in Asia South East International Short Film Festival held recently Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The Film which is based on garbage of Dibrugarh town has been also selected for special screening for this years Short and Sweet Film festival Uthah,USA, Ooty Film Festival and Bengal International Film festival.
This thought provoking 7 minute film was produced, directed and scripted by Satyakam Dutta , an officer of 2013 batch of Indian Revenue Service presently posted in Dibrugarh. The film was released yesterday night through various social media platforms including You tube.

Dutta who has not done any course jn Film making filmed the entire movie with his DSLR camera and Drone.
The burning problem of garbage disposal has been projected by the Film maker with a satirical approach.He accomplished his mission of completing the movie
with the help of high-tech camera work and fine editing.All this enables viewers to think and realise that how the disposal of garbage was affecting their lives.
The film has shown that how the inhabitants of the city have become so accustomed to the garbage and dirt that they no longer want to fight with it but want to cohabhit with them.
They have rather started to find out the beauty of the city in garbage.
The film shows how people become desperate that they think that the lost glory and dignity of the city can be recovered only through these garbage.
The first part of the film shows a panoramic view of the entire city of Dibrugarh in a beautiful way, in the subsequent scenes the dumped garbage on the main streets of the city has been shown.
In another scene of the film, the camera goes in front of the office of Deputy Commissioner where there are garbage scattered.
There are statement of many people in the film. In one part of the film, a businessman shown to be saying that how he has started appealing to the constant deodority of garbage spread in front of his shop, and people now call his shop in the name of “shop in front of garbage” In another part of the film, a school girl says that she is proud to be a citizen of this city because the people here keep their house neat and clean though feel free to dump their dirt in the street.
The entire film has subtitles along with English Commentary.
Dutta said that It took about 18 months to complete this short film and that he was very surprised and troubled by the city’s filth that turns alk the streets huge garbage dump.
He said this movie is infact a mockumentary and he get inspiration from the satire of Lakhinath Bezbarua to make this film.
He further added that the basic objective of the film is to lure the official and general public to wage a campaign to get rid of garbage.
Watch short film