Assam: Rajyavardhan promises to help ailing footballer Sumit Rabha

Union sports minister Rajyavardhan Singh has promised to help one ailing footballer from Guwahati. Sumit Rabha (26) who has represented Assam besides playing for several city-based clubs has been suffering from kidney related illness.
Guwahati City FC officials who first brought the matter in the attention of the sports minister said that both the kidneys of Rabha have been damaged.
“He needs a kidney transplantation which is highly expensive. Rabha belongs to a poor family and for his family it’s not possible to bear the costs. So we appealed the sports minister in twitter. Thankfully he responded. We are glad that he did,” GCFC director Kaustav Chakraborty said in a statement.
The matter was first tweeted by the GCFC later it was reached to Singh. Singh on Sunday asked the local SAI officials to get in touch with the young footballer and assured all support from the ministry of sports.
Guwahati SAI director Subhash Basumatary has said that he will do his best to ensure all possible help for Rabha.