Mizoram schools to admit Myanmar refugee children

AIZAWL- Children of migrant or refugee Myanmar nationals, currently taking shelter in Mizoram after fleeing the military coup in the neighbouring country, can now be admitted to schools in the state, authorities said.
Director of School Education James Lalrinchana has issued an order on 31 August. In which he has instructed the District Education Officers and Sub-Divisional Education Officers of Mizoram under Chapter 2(4) of the Right to Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE). Act 2009, which states that “Children of the age of 6 to 14 years and belonging to disadvantaged communities, have the right to be admitted to a school in a class appropriate to their age for the completion of elementary education”.
The country should allow the entry of all refugee children who have fled Myanmar after the military coup.
When asked whether the RTE is applicable to non-Indians as well, he further explained, “All children in the age group of 6 to 14 years – irrespective of their nationality – who are currently residing on Indian soil, are in the elementary grades. Can start up to. VIII. Eligible for education.”
The concerned authorities have been directed to take necessary action to get the refugee children coming under their jurisdiction in schools so that they can continue their studies.
According to reports, James Lalrinchana said that at present the DEOs of each district are registering those migrant children under the RTE Act for primary education.