
Mizoram: Exodus from BJP to MNF continues in CADC

KAMALANAGAR-  After several prominent faces of BJP CADC switched over to MNF in the recent past, the BJP has suffered yet another major jolt in the Chakma Council as six out of the total eight Members of District Council of the BJP tendered their resignations from the party and merged with the MNF on 27th March, 2021.

The MDCs are Buddhalila Chakma, Ajoy Kumar Chakma, Onish Moy Chakma, Anil Kanti Chakma, Hiranand Tongchangya and Sanjeev Chakma. The six members were formally inducted by State’s Sports Minister Pu Robert Romawia Royte during an induction programme at MNF’s party office at Kamalanagar.

The Minister is on a 2-day visit to the Council’s headquarters to take stock of the recent political development taking place in CADC.

Speaking to media shortly after their joining the MNF, Mr Buddhalila Chakma, while citing the reasons for the switch over, expressed regret at failure to accomplish any of the promises that the Central BJP leaders had made to the people of CADC.

Further, he reiterated that the majority of people in Mizoram generally have aversion to BJP’s ideology which makes BJP’s inroad into the state a distant dream. The federal structure of the Indian constitution itself limits the scope of Autonomous District Council in 6th schedule areas, and as such a District Council can’t prosper without the support of the State government, he added.

Inspite of the fact that Chakma Autonomous District Council is the only bastion of BJP in the state of Mizoram the central leadership gave no heed into the problems of the BJP workers at the grassroot level, he further said.

Owing to the recent political development, the incumbent Chief Executive Member of Chakma Autonomous District Council Mr Rasik Mohan Chakma has voluntarily tendered resignation from his position to pave way for the formation of a fresh Executive Committee in the greater interest of the people of CADC.

Later, in an MNF Legislature Party meeting, Mr Rasik Mohan Chakma proposed  Mr Durjya Dhan Chakma, MDC to be the leader of the legislature party and was seconded by Mr Kali Kumar Tongchangya, MDC under whose leadership the new Executive Committee shall be formed.

The dynamic leadership of the incumbent Chief Minister Pu Zoramthanga so far did not upset the development of every minority areas in the state which is the prime reason for the exodus of electorates from various political parties into the ruling MNF.


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