
 Assam: Army organises seminar on ‘Bangladesh and North East India 

GUWAHATI-   India- Bangladesh seminar was organised by Indian Army at Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati yesterday.  Ajay Bhatt, Raksha Rajya Mantri, Government of India inaugurated the seminar and congratulated Eastern Command and Gajraj Corps for conducting the seminar, which is most relevant in the present context.

He stated that the seminar was a milestone step taken by all on the solemn occasion of, “Swarnim Vijay Varsh” celebrations. He also pointed towards the unexplored North East India and about opportunities the area holds for both the nations.

This one day seminar was conducted by the Army on the theme “Bangladesh and North East India: Into the Rising Sun”, in two sessions under two sub- themes ‘Threads That Bind’ and “Socio Economic Symbiosis”.

The seminar stressed upon the importance of North East India in Indo- Bangladesh relations.

The seminar kick started with Key Note address by Ms Smita Pant, Joint Secretary, Bangladesh- Myanmar, Government of India. Mr Wasbir Hussain, Editor-in-Chief, NE Live and Mr Nani Gopal Mahanta, Academic Advisor to Government of Assam chaired the sessions of the seminar.

During the seminar, Security Aspects and Connectivity between the two Nations were also dwelled upon.

Prominent Indian speakers Mr Nitin Gokhale, Ms Indrani Bagchi, Dr Sreeradha Datta and former Ambassador Gautam Mukhopadhaya spoke on Water Sharing, Cultural Melange, opportunities in Bay of Bengal and Shared Regional Prosperity.

The speakers highlighted the common opportunities and problems of both the Countries in various fields and how the opportunities can be grabbed for mutual cooperation and growth. It touched upon the commonalities and similarities with a connected past, which should not be forgotten or ignored.

Lt Gen Manoj Pande AVSM, VSM, GOC-in-C, Eastern Command deleivered the opening address and set the tone of the Seminar and also reiterated the importance of sharing of ideas and knowledge all the stake holders.

Army Commander mentioned that this seminar will act as harbinger of a stronger Indo-Bangla relationship by overcoming the common challenges together and focusing on the opportunities which lie ahead in front of the future generations.

In his concluding remarks Lt Gen Ravin Khosla, AVSM, SM, VSM, GOC, Gajraj Corps expressed his gratitude to all, for making the seminar a success and making it a promising step towards better future for both the Nations.


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