Assam: Air Officer Commanding-in-chief visits air force station digaru

He emphasized the need to continuously train to enhance skills for maintaining high degree of Operational preparedness.
Air Marshal RD Mathur, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Air Command visited Air Force Station Digaru on 10 May 2019. The Air Marshal was received by Group Captain CK Rasyara, Station Commander, Air Force Station Digaru.
The AOC-in-C visited various installations at the station. During the visit, the Air Marshal was briefed on Operational, Maintenance and Administrative activities of the station.
While addressing the Air warriors, he emphasized the need to continuously train to enhance skills for maintaining high degree of Operational preparedness.
Mrs Shipra Mathur, Regional President Air Force Wives Welfare Association (AFWWA) accompanied the AOC-in-C and was given a warm welcome by Mrs Chandrakala Rasyara and Ladies of AFWWA(Local) Digaru.
She visited the facilities and ventures managed by AFWWA at Digaru.