Assam: NF Railway introduces Train Captain for passenger convenience


Babul Dey of  Tinsukia Division created history when he stepped into 12423 Dibrugarh – Guwahati  – New Delhi Rajdhani Express as the first Train Captain of NF Railway.

To improve onboard services and redress passengers’ grievances, NF Railway has introduced “Train Captain” in premium trains from yesterday.

The Train Captain who will be overall in-charge of the train, will be responsible for ensuring all amenities provided by railways to the passenger, like cleanliness of coaches and toilets, availability of water, working of electrical fittings like lights, fan charging points etc.

Railway board has decided to introduce the concept of a single person as leader i.e. Train Captain, who will be responsible for coordinating with all onboard teams dealing with housekeeping, catering, electrical, mechanical, RPF/GRP squad during the complete journey of the train.

The Train Captain will be provided a badge and all onboard personnel from either railways or outsourced agencies will have to report to him.

It may be noted that Railway Board has directed all Zonal Railways to introduce the service of Train Captain on priority basis to all important trains to address all issues that may arise while making journey on train.

The onboard redressal of grievance is different from other mode of like helpline numbers and other mechanisms which are available where passenger can lodge their complaints.

The contact number and name of the Train Captain will be made available to help passenger to make contact by printing on the reservation chart.


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