
Assam NRC : Don’t panic, Nobody will be harassed- Rajnath Singh

New Delhi

Ahead of the publication of National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday, said there was no need to panic and all bonafide Indians will be given adequate opportunities to prove their citizenship.

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said it was “only a draft” and people would be given “adequate opportunity for objections.”

The Minister said that the NRC is being updated in accordance with the Assam Accord signed on August 15, 1985, and that the entire process is as per the directions of Supreme Court, which is constantly monitoring the process.

The NRC is being prepared to identify illegal migrants in Assam. The Supreme Court on July 2 extended its June 30 deadline by a month due to the flood situation. The government and the State Coordinator agreed to adhere to the new deadline by July 30 for the publication of the draft.

“I will like to assure everyone that the NRC exercise is being carried out in a totally impartial, transparent and meticulous manner and will continue to be so. At every stage, adequate opportunity of hearing is given to all persons concerned. The entire process is being conducted according to law and due procedure is being followed,” a Home Ministry statement quoting Rajnath Singh said.

“We will ensure that every individual gets justice and is treated humanely. All individuals will have sufficient opportunity for all remedies available under the law.”

“After the draft’s publication, adequate opportunity for claims and objections will be available. All claims and objections will be duly examined. Adequate opportunity of being heard will be given before the claims and objections are disposed of. Only thereafter will the final NRC be published,” said the Minister.

The senior BJP leader said that the Citizenship Rules provide that any person not satisfied with the outcome of claims and objections can appeal to the Foreigners Tribunal. “Thus, there is no question of anyone being put in a detention centre after the publication of the NRC.”

He said that the state government has been asked to ensure law and order and to allow no one to take law into their hands, adding that all possible arrangements will be made to ensure safety and security of all.

Noting that there is no reason for panic or fear, Rajnath Singh said: “No person will be allowed to be harassed. The central government will provide all necessary help to the government of Assam in this regard.”


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