Assam: Seizure and release of 690 Cattles by SSB, Court to deliver the Judgement on March 7.

Today the court of SDJM, Rangia, Kamrup reserved the judgement by fixing the matter on 07.03.2020 for delivering order in respect of seizure and release of total 690 numbers of cattle ( Ox- 612 and Buffalo- 78).
It is relevant to mention herein that 24th Battalion of SSB Rangia, Assam on 25.02.2020 on the basis of secret information seized total 21 nos. of heavy vehicle carrying total 690 numbers of cattle ( Ox- 612 and Buffalo- 78) as well as apprehended total 25 person.
At the time of seizure no valid documents were found in the possession of persons preset in the vehicles. The conditions of the cattle were very pathetic . In total 21 nos. of vehicles , total 690 nos were kept in very inhumane condition overlapping each other.
Today, the matter was fixed on petitions filed by the projected owners of the cattle seeking zimma of the cattle so seized.
Today Jitul Deka, Secretary, Asomiya Yuva Mancha filed petition before the court of SDJM, Rangia objecting the prayer of release by citing violation of provisions prevention of cruelty to Animal Act 1960 violation of provisions of Transport Animal Rules, 1978 and law laid down by Supreme Court.
Mr. Amit Goyal, Advocate appearing for Mr. Jitul Deka submitted before the Court that the present case smacks smuggling of the cattles to Bangladesh.
It was further submitted that it is case which indicates that in the name of sending these cattle to Meghalaya , cattle were supposed to deliver in Bangladesh and to unearth this entire syndicate where Government officials are also involved a proper investigation by some independent agency preferably Central Agency is required to be ordered.
Mr. Goyal further submitted that in the present case not only section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, Rules 47 to 56, 96 to 98 of Transport of Animal Rules, 1978, provisions of Cruelty to Animals (Care and Maintenance of Case Property Animals) Rules, 2017 but also Rule 125 E of Central Motor Vehicles Rules , 1989 and Section 194 A of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 are violated.
Mr. Goyal further submitted that it is expected from Assam Police to unearth this cattle syndicate . But in place of Assam Police, SSB has carried out the entire drive.
Further, it was submitted by Mr. Goyal, that in the order dated 26.02.2020 passed by the SDJM , Rangia it is evident that investigating officer is praying to the Court to give zimma to owner of the cattle owner before completing investigation.
After hearing the Court of SDJM, Rangia reserved judgement by fixing the matter on 07.03.2020 for delivering judgement.