Men in Uniform Wins Hearts

Guwahati- Men in Uniform Wins Hearts- ( By P Khongsai ) – Pinki Boro was devastated when the news of death of her husband Rajeshwar Boro, reached her. Pinki and her family belongs to a small village named Oxiguri in the Baksa District of Assam. Pinki was married to Rajeshwar Boro, who belonged to a poor family with no source of income and therefore had gone to work in Hyderabad.
But life had in store more problems for the poor family. Rajeshwar Boro, the only bread winner of the house met with an accident while travelling with Indian Railways and had died in Hyderabad. Pinki, with his 04 years old son Dhanjit Boro, felt that their life is devastated and did not had any option but to request people for their daily needs. She ran from pillar to post for assistance, requesting and asking for help so that their family could survive.
Pinki requested Gaon Budha for help and he guided her to go the Army Camp Chamthebari. The Army Camp in that area had developed lot of good will because of the genuine concern that has been shown by them towards the problems of the local villagers. Pinki approached the Company Commander and explained the problem being faced by the family because of death of the only bread winner of the family in Hyderabad.
Seeing the bereaved condition of the family, the Army Camp decided to assist the family in all possible ways. A team was constituted which collected the relevant documents and got in touch with a lawyer at Hyderabad. With the legal guidance of the lawyer, a Railway Claim Tribunal Case was filed in Mar 2019.
During this time the Army provided mental and emotional support to Pinki and assisted her in opening a joint account in State Bank of India at Barpeta Road branch. Pinki has won the case in Railway Claim Tribunal and has been compensated with an amount of rupees seven lakhs for the loss.
This amount received by Pinki and her Family enable them towards self reliance and lead an independent life without having to beg from others. Pinki express her heartfelt gratitude to the “ Men in Uniform”.