Mizoram: BJP CADC rejects Shanti Jiban Chakma’s allegations over reconstruction of Dist committee

KAMALANAGAR- Former CADC BJP MDC Shanti Jiban Chakma has tendered his resignation from the Bharatiya Janta Party on Tuesday. In his resignation letter, he alleged “the BJP CADC District Committee has been reconstituted without the knowledge of CADC BJP’s representative and the party has taken one sided decision without taking his opinion which hurts his sentiments and personalities” which is completely baseless and bogus, stated BJP, CADC in a press statement.
Mr. Shanti Jiban Chakma has been indulging in anti-party activities since the political crisis escalated in the Executive Committee of CADC which has made the CEM’s Chair into the Musical Chair of CADC for the ruling Mizo National Front Government and also made the council a laughing stock, the statement said.
It is pertinent to mention that on 22nd September, 2021 Mizoram BJP high command has contacted Shanti Jiban Chakma over telephone and asked his stand on the recent political crisis in CADC and he replied that he will vote in favor of Rasik Mohan Chakma’s faction if Governor of Mizoram conducted Floor Test in the house and since then his phone has been on switched off mode.
Further the statement said ” Earlier, he accompanied the MNF MDCs delegation to meet the DC&MA officials in Aizawl relating to the then prevailing political crisis in CADC without the prior permission from the District Committee of BJP CADC. He had also attended many meetings convened by the MNF MDCs (Rasik Mohan’s faction), and he has been camping with the MNF MDCs at Rasik Mohan’s residence.
Further, he was seen at the dinner party hosted by MNF MDC Rasik Mohan Chakmaon 3rd October, 2021. So, his joining the MNF party is nothing new and he already had a pre-plan to switch to MNF party if Rasik Mohan Chakma get a majority, mentioned in the statement.
He nor attended the meeting called by Nirupam Chakma, BJP, National Council Member held on 1st October, 2021 at 5:00: pm at Dr. BD Chakma’s residence at Kamalanagar-lll which was as part of the consultation process for the reconstitution of District Committee neither attend the meeting called by the new District President Dr. BD Chakma held on 4th October, 2021 at District BJP office, informed in the statment.
Despite all that, CADC BJP District Committee has not served any show cause notice nor has taken any action against him for his anti-party activities. The BJP CADC District Committee feels that Shri Shanti jiban Chakma has lost the moral and political authority as an elected representative due to his selfish motivation for joining the Mizo National Front (MNF).
Therefore, CADC BJP strongly rejects and condemns the baseless allegations levelled by the former BJP MDC against the party in his resignation letter.