After attending the Gate Management meeting held at Indo-Bangladesh Border , the Farmers from Mizoram who visited Cachar border returned to their respective villages fully satisfied leaving their apprehensions behind.
In order to mitigate the problem faced by border population and to strengthen the bond of mutual trust, BSF has yet again gone one step further to address the issues raised by the farmers of villages of Indo-BD in Mizoram.
Villagers residing near border areas had apprehension that they would loose their cultivable land ahead of Border fence once fencing is completed. However BSF all along INDO-BD border has been facilitating smooth cultivation of land ahead of fence.
In order to eliminate their fear, BSF M & C Frontier has conducted a visit of Mizo farmers to Barak Valley on 16 Apr’ 2018 at BOP Harinagar of 131 BN BSF & shown them the practice of Gate Management being carried out in this area by BSF with no inconvenience to the farmers of Border Villages on one side & ensuring strict vigil along the border on the other side.
Farmers from Mizoram who visited Cachar border returned to their respective villages fully satisfied leaving their apprehensions behind. With these kind of initiatives, BSF has earlier also won the hearts and minds of the border population.