
Nagaland: Rapist stripped naked, paraded by public In Longleng


Another case of mob violence coming in from Nagaland.  A mob stripped a man and paraded him naked in Longleng alleging him of raping a minor girl.

The accused rapist had allegedly raped a 15 year old minor on July 27 after taking her to a secluded place and then raping her while threatening physical harm.

A 15-year old minor was raped in Longleng town(Nagaland) by a 29 year old daily wage earner. He is  a married man are said to be neighbours.

According to the police, the victim, who is studying in class-7 used to watch television at the home of the accused every day.

However, on the evening of June 27, the accused led the victim outside on the pretext that her brother was calling for her. The accused then forcibly dragged the victim away to a secluded place after threatening her of physical harm and raped her.

When the victim’s family came to know of the incident, the matter was reported to relatives and the apex women organization of Longleng town.

The local  Women apprehended the accused. The accused was handed over to the police only after he was thrashed and paraded around the town by the enraged women folk and local public.

The accused, identified as Longya Phom, is now under police custody. Reports claim medical examination of both the accused and the victim has confirmed that the rape happened.

 Sources add that the accused has confessed to his crime and a case has been registered in this connection.


One Comment

  1. Once I read in newspaper that a female teacher stripped naked a 10 year old boy in class in front of male and female child .That female teacher should also stripped naked in front of whole city by the mob then it is true justice.If any feminist says that it is wrong, shameful crime to strip naked any female perpetrator and female criminal of child abuse.Then it is also shameful and wrong if it is done(stripping naked and nude parade) to any male perpetrator.It should also be noted that it is not necessary that any accused of rape is a criminal in reality.It is possible that the allegation of rape is false.If any mob insults ,parades naked any accused of rape,and it is found after that allegation of rape was false and it was used as weapon because of enmity of their families .Then how can the people in the mob repay the dignity of that accused person.It is serious criminal and sexual offence to insult and parade naked any person publicly only on the base of an allegation of rape.Any accused is only an accused until it is proved in the court that he/she is an criminal.And if it is proved then there is court to punish the criminal.

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