Assam: Bodo Civil Society to intensify movement against ST and Citizenship Bill

The Bodo Civil Society has decided to intensify the movement against the ST (Amendment) Bill, 2019, and Citizenship Bill until and unless these Bill are withdrawn.
The Bodo Civil Society has decided to intensify the mass democratic movement against the Constitution Scheduled Tribe Order (Amendment) Bill, 2019 until and unless the Bill is withdrawn from upper house of parliament. For this series of vigorous movement will be launched with immediate effect.
The decision has been taken in a special meeting of various leading Bodo Civil Society Organization, Groups and Individuals held at Barma on Monday.
The meeting also decided to appeal all the Tribal Autonomous and Territorial Councils to vehemently oppose the said bill which shall be disastrous for the existing ST population of Assam.
The meeting unanimously decided to appeal the Bodoland Territorial Council government to urgently call for a General Assembly of the Council and replace the Executive Council decision to support the granting ST status to six advanced and populous communities.
The meeting decided to whole heartedly support and participate actively in the Great Mass Rally organized by Coordination Committee for Tribal Organization of Assam (CCTOA) at Sonapur on against The Constitution ST Order (Amendment) Bill 2019.
The meeting also decided to appeal CCTOA to intensify the movement continuously and the participating organizations and individuals have decided lend its support at any point in time.
After seriously examining the verdict of life imprisonment delivered by the CBI Special Court on 30th of January 2019 to Mr. Ranjan Daimary and 9 of his comrades, the meeting decided to appeal the Government of India and Government of Assam to take all appropriate steps to ensure the peace process between the Government and NDFB including releasing him following the proper process of law. This decision has been taken with a view to establish permanent peace in the region.
The meeting unanimously resolved to continue the strong opposition against The Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016. The members of the meeting also decided to extend all the agitating groups against this Bill.