Assam: CAB is an attack on Secularism Says ABSU president Promod Boro

In an interview with Manzar Alam,  ABSU president  Promod Boro  said that ” Introduction of CAB by NDA government is an attack on Secularism in India.


” Introduction of CAB by NDA government is an attack on Secularism in India, stated Promod Boro , President All Bodo Student’s Union ( ABSU) in an interview with Manzar Alam.

Promod  said that “Last time we had support BJP, Because we wanted a solution of our problems , but during the last five years, NDA government has not discussed or addressed any political and social issues,  We want peace in our region but both state and central govt are not playing their roles in this regard”

Now this time we have decided to support UPPL candidates UG Brahma  and Pradip Kumar Daimary and we are sure that our candidates will win this Parliament Elections…..

Regarding  BPF administration in BTC , what are the promod’s thaought…. Watch this full interview .

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