
Assam: DG NCC visits  NCC group Guwahati,  meet Assam Governor

GUWAHATI- Lt Gen Tarun Kumar Aich, DG NCC called on Prof Jagdish Mukhi, Governor of Assam at Raj Bhavan, Guwahati. The visit was part of his itinerary to the North Eastern  states to take stock of the ongoing drive  for expansion plan of NCC  in  the areas of NE states.

During his meeting, the DG informed the Governor about the contribution of NCC in nation building especially in social infrastructure. The Governor lauded the NCC for its contribution in the ongoing vaccination drive.

During his visit to the Group Headquarter in Guwahati, He was accorded warm welcome and Guard of Honour by the Cadets of Guwahati Group and was briefed about the functioning of NCC Group Headquarter, Guwahati.

Assam: DG NCC visits  NCC group Guwahati,  meet Assam Governor

He also gave away awards to the officers and cadets for their sterling performance during the year and also during Republic Day Parade held at Delhi this year.

Later, while interacting with the media, Lt Gen Tarun Kumar Aich said that NCC cadets from the Northeast Directorate had performed extremely well during the Republic Day Camp-2021 and stood fourth amongst the Seventeen NCC Directorate across the country.

He also stressed on the Importance and benefits of being an NCC cadets which ultimately shaped their lives in the future. He expressed deep satisfaction on the performance of all  Officers, Staff and Cadets of  North East Directorate.


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