
Assam: NFR Construct 377 Toilets for “Divyang” Passengers


In an effort to ease the inconvenience faced by the Divyang (differently abled) in accessing toilet facilities in stations premises, NFR has constructed 377 numbers of Divyang friendly toilets in all its stations.

nder the instruction of Railway Minister Piyush Goyal, Indian Railway has decided to provide Divyang friendly toilets in all its stations.

Chairman, Railway Board vide his letter dated 20.06.2018 advised all Zonal Railways to provide Divyang friendly toilets at all stations except Halt stations. This is in addition to other facilities which are being provided to Divyang like entry ramp, parking space, standard signage, online booking of wheel chairs etc.

Differently able persons face problems to use toilets constructed for common people. Hence constructing such Divyang friendly toilets has been of great help for all of them.

All commercial frontline staffs are also given special training on passenger amenities wherein training on special facilities provided for Physically Challenged persons and provision of wheel chair are given.

At the Divisional level, Chief Travelling Ticket Inspectors/In-charges (CTTI / ICs), Station Managers (SMRs) and concerned Commercial Inspectors are directed to perform duty as a disability Inspector for providing assistance to Persons with Disabilities.


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