Assam: Railway Protection Force, in NF Railway achieves all round success in 2017-18



In the face of widespread increase in various crimes in railway premises Railway Protection Force, NF Railway has been ranging relentless offensive for combating the menace in railway stations and railway premises.

During 2017, 134 cases were registered under  railway Property Unlawful Possession Act out of which 125 cases were detected with recovery of stolen goods of worth Rs. 11,97,465.00 while 150 persons were also arrested.

RPF has also realised total amount of Rs8.45 crore under railways Act over N. F. railway registering 14384 cases and prosecuted 14589 persons.

RPF has also apprehended 4 persons with explosive & illegal arms in five cases and handed over to Government Railway Police. In the year 2017 itself 515 children have been rescued by RPF and as many as 11 traffickers arrested.RPF N. F. Railway has also been doing a praiseworthy service in the field of detection and recovery of contraband goods.

In the year 2017 alone 160 cases of recovery has been made, 68 offenders have been arrested and goods worth Rs. 5.1 crore has been recovered. In addition RPF has successfully recovered illegal forest produce worth Rs.1.48 crore and arrested four persons.

During the year 2017, as many as thirty three  persons were arrested and prosecuted under Railway Act against touting activities. This has been possible due to frequent raids and ambush checks conducted by RPF in sensitive areas.

RPF has registered 300 cases of theft of passenger belongings, 22 cases of Drugging, 2 cases of dacoity, 2 cases of Robbery and 11 cases of crime against women. RPF also detected 91 cases of theft of passenger belongings, 17cases of Drugging, 2 cases of dacoity, 1case of Robbery, 8 cases of crime against women. Altogether 159 persons have been arrested in connection to these crimes.

During the year 2017, as many as 138 left behinds luggage/articles of passengers were recovered by RPF in different stations. 5 cases of carrying illegal arms & explosives  were detected  by RPF with arrest of 4 persons who were handed over to concerned Government Railway Police  for legal action.

Within the scope of implementation of integrated security system programmes on major station of N. F. railway, CCTV cameras have been installed and control rooms have been set up for real time monitoring of stations and railway premises.


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