
Assam: Webinar on ‘Value added retail fashion’ held at RGU

GUWAHATI-  A webinar on ‘Value added retail fashion’ was held by Royal Global University with Mr. Ankur Srivastava, Designer at Max Fashion, Landmark Group, UAE on 28 May 2021. He was  joined in his deliberations by Prof.(Dr.) S.P.Singh, Vice Chancellor,Ar. Anita P.Y, Dean, Royal School of Fashion Technology, faculty, staff and students of RGU as well as from across India.

Ar. Anita, at the outset, while welcoming the speaker, in her opening remarks stated many points of value addition at this stage not only from the available literature but from her own personal experience and requested the speaker to highlight the points technically.

Prof. Singh, while participating in the webinar gave more emphasis on the management part of the retail shopping, values and ethics. He mentioned the concept of physical and virtual retail shopping with some striking points where manipulation has been done, more particularly in case of virtual retail shopping and requested the speaker to give more light on value addition without misleading the prospective buyers.

Mr. Srivastava  has spelt out the main core departments which makes a successful retail shopping. These are design, banking, merchandise and marketing of the product. Each has its own characters. He told the house that while making the design they are following the pyramid system, according to the volume of the customers at each level and design the product respectively as per the needs of each strata so that the customers of each level will get satisfaction on the basis of their affordability.

He makes it clear that while making design for a product, the demographic pattern of the market area has taken top priority so that no community will get/feel hurt because of the design. He spoke on luxury brands and its various aspects. He broadly classified three seasons so far design is concerned.

The first one is from January to July, second from July to December and a very short period from the mid of December to mid of January. The success of the product entirely depends on company’s efficiency to bring the product before the intended customers.

The company which has the capacity to release early has a great advantage over the others which are producing the same product during the season. The company which has international market now diversify their strategy and set up manufacturing units at different strategic location.


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