New Delhi
The creation of New States of Bodoland and Vidarbha amongst others is the only way out for the people of this region to gradually come out of their situation, said ABSU president Promod Boro, while addressing a seminar on New States for New India organised by National Federation for New States (NFNS) at New Delhi on Sunday.
Promod said ” “Today situation in areas demanding new states is grim. There is no development, no employment. What exists is farmers’ distress, rise in crime and unrest. All this is due to regional disparity. This disparity is not a creation of some recent event. It is a fact of continuous discrimination and deprivation heaped upon theses region by the majority amongst the rulers.
Change of rulers by the known electoral ballot has also not yielded any positive result. The situation has not undergone any positive change. Even creation of Bodoland Territorial Area Districts and Vidarbha Development Board has been of no consequence, he added.
The present state of India shows that the government in Power is concern about “VIKAAS”, at least in rhetoric. The government must answer diverse situations and aspirations. Will it ever achieve its goal without the participation of this marginalized, exploited and discontent people from these regions who are demanding separate statehood? The answer is an emphatic “NO”, said ABSU president.
Promod also raise the question “Why has this Government not created Bodoland & Vidarbha inspite of written assurances by its leaders during the 2014 Parliamentary Elections?
Meanwhile the federation has closely observed and concluded that the area of exploitation has in the years not only financially eroded this areas but situation has gone from bad to worse. A brief note that would follow would clarify this situation.