
Mizoram: Former CM Lal Thanhawla holds ‘Independent Mizoram’ poster during protest against CAB

Former Mizoram CM Lal Thanhawla seen with a poster calling for independent Mizoram at Citizenship Bill protest organised by the NGO Coordination Committee in Aizawl.


Former Mizoram Chief Minister and Congress leader Lal Thanhawla on Tuesday attended a protest organised by the NGO Coordination Committee in Aizawl against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill.

Thanhawla was seen holding a banner with the message: “Hello Independent Republic of Mizoram”.

Congress spokesperson Lallianchhunga said Thanhawla had attended the protest along with his wife. “We will oppose the Bill till the last breath of our life as it is a situation of life and death for the people of Mizoram,” Lallianchhunga said.

The legislation has witnessed opposition from several political parties in the North East, including allies of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

It must be mention here that , Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga  already stated that  the ruling Mizo National Front will not hesitate to cut ties with the Bharatiya Janata Party-led North East Democratic Alliance government if the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill is not revoked.


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