Mizoram: Aizawl School welcomes 8 pairs of twins
A picture of the 16 students posing together has prompted surprised reactions on social media.

AIZAWL: A Primary school in Mizoram has welcomed eight pairs of twins this year. A photographs showing the 16 students posing together has gone viral on social media. According to a report in The local media, seven pairs of identical twins and one pair of fraternal twins are currently enrolled at the Government College Veng Primary School in Aizawl.
Govt College Veng Primary School in the eastern part of Aizawl, which educates about 217 students who are in KG-1 to class 4, has 7 sets of identical twins and a pair of fraternal twins, which left the faculty members excited and often confused.
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The high twinning rate came to light during discussion among staff members, who realised with amazement that eight pairs of twins are on the rolls this year. The headmaster of the school, H Lalventluanga, said the school has seen twins in the past as well, but this year’s number is a record breaker.
Out of two hundred pupils, eight pairs of twin siblings attend Gov't. College Veng Primary School in Aizawl. It is uncommon to locate this in another institution.
Pic credit 📹 @lalventluanga_hc#twin #twins #siblings #phir #phirunau #primaryschool #collegeveng #aizawl #mizoram pic.twitter.com/WsKZC6IiEw— mizoraminsta (@mizoraminsta) May 13, 2024
“The teachers were discussing this morning, and to our delight, we realised that we have eight pairs of twins studying in various classes. Last year, we had four pairs,” H Lalventluanga said.
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In fact, one of the pairs – the fraternal twins – are the headmaster’s children. Lalventluanga said his children Remruatdika (M) and Lalzarzovi (F) are students of KG 1 and will turn five years old next month.
“We have one fraternal pair, four pairs of girls, and three pairs of boys studying in our school. KG 1 has two pairs of boys, one fraternal pair, and one pair of girls. KG 2 has one male pair, while Class 1 has a pair of girls, and another two pairs of girls in Class 2,” he elaborated.