
Mizoram: MCSU protest against cancellation of RPC by the Govt of Arunachal Pradesh

Many prominent leaders of Chakma from Mizoram has joined the peaceful protest.

KAMALANAGAR- Mizoram Chakma Student’s Union (MCSU)  organised a massive peaceful protest in Kamalanagar, against cancellation of Residential Proof Certificate (RPC) by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh. Many prominent leaders of Chakma from Mizoram has joined the peaceful protest.

The peaceful protest was  organised by Mizoram Chakma Student’s Union in collaboration with All India Chakma Students’ Union (AICSU) and other organisations in solidarity with the Chakma and Hajong tribes of Arunachal Pradesh.

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It must be noted that “ in Last August, the Arunachal Pradesh government announced that it would no longer be issuing “residence proof certificates” to the state’s Chakma and Hajong refugees”.

The two communities used these RPC while applying for central government jobs, particularly in the paramilitary and defence forces, in addition to higher education outside the state.

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The Chakmas, mostly Buddhists, settled in Arunachal Pradesh in the 1960s when parts of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) where they originally lived were submerged by a dam.

The Hindu Hajongs had migrated from East Pakistan around the same time because of alleged religious persecution.

The state government’s decision to suspend the issuance of these certificates was an outcome of a stir by the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union or AAPSU. Union considers the Chakmas and Hajongs outsiders and wants them expelled from the state.


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