DC Hailakandi has directed the district heads to ensure that offices remain open and all employees should report for duty on the day of Assam Bandh.
The Hailakandi district administration has directed the employees to report for duty on Tuesday, the day several organizations have called a statewide bandh in protest against the proposed Citizenship Amendment Bill.
In a circular issued to this effect on Monday, Deputy Commissioner Adil Khan has directed the district heads to ensure that offices remain open and all employees should report for duty on that day or else disciplinary action would be taken against anyone remaining absent on the pretext of bandh. “It is directed that all government employees must attend office tomorrow. Immediate disciplinary action, including pay cut, would be taken against anyone absent on pretext of bandh,” he warned.
Khan said any individual or organization calling a bandh in flagrant violation of the Supreme Court and Gauhati High Court verdicts would be legally sued for infringing upon the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution under Articles 19 and 21. Khan warned that contempt petitions would be filed by the district administration against those calling such bandhs and compensation would be levied for economic losses incurred during duration of bandh that include trade, transport, wages et al.
Additional police and para military personnel would be deployed throughout the district to ensure that there is no disruption or violence in connection with the bandh call. “Additional arrangements will be made to ensure normal life,” a district police officer said on Monday.