
Mizoram: BJP Leader Shanti Jiban Chakma rejects Lalzirliana’s allegations of corruption

The former CEM of CADC and BJP Leader Shanti Jiban Chakma rejects Lalzirliana’s allegations, says the allegations are bogus and baseless.


The former CEM of CADC and BLP leader of Chakma District Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),  Shanti Jiban Chakma today came down heavily and strongly refuted the District Councils & Minority Affairs Minister, Pu R. Lalzirliana’s allegations on large scale irregularities in CADC during the period of BJP-Congress coalition rule in the council as reported and published in few Newspaper on September, 19, saying that the allegations were completely baseless and without substance.

The press statement issued by BJP CADC said that,  The “One Man Inquiry Commission” was constituted and headed by Lawngtlai Deputy Commissioner, Mrs. Shashanka Ala, on 25th July, 2019 to inquire into the allegations on the malfunctioning of CADC and financial mismanagement and also illegal recruitments made by the present Executive Committee of CADC led by Rasik Mohan Chakma.

Even a single corruption was not committed during the previous BJP led Executive Committee and the Commission so set up has been mandated to only look into the allegations made against the present Executive Committee of CADC. And therefore making allegations on the previous BJP led Executive Committee of CADC in the ongoing Commission report does not arise, “added Mr. Shanti Jiban Chakma” as mentioned in the press statement.

The existing Executive Committee of CADC had committed several maladministration and financial mismanagement that includes illegal financial up-gradation & promotion of staffs made with retrospective effect, illegal accelerated promotions and dissolution of Village Councils directly without initial suspension and proper verification etc, the statement said.

further the statement said that “Mr. Chakma strongly condemned the State government of its direct involvement in defending such kind of corrupt practices being carried out by the MNF ruled Executive Committee of CADC and also alleged that attempt were being made to defame and tarnish the image of the previous BJP led Executive Committee of CADC.

Dilatory tactics have been adopted on the Commission report by the DC&MA Minister, Pu R. Lalzirliana as a result the Commission report has not reached the Governor’s office for final decision, Mr. Chakma stated”.

He further questioned that if no corruption is found in present Executive Committee of CADC by the Inquiry Commission, then why DC&MA Minister is so hesitant to forward the inquiry report to Hon’ble Governor for early disposal of the matter,? the statement said.


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