
Nagaland: Fight for ‘Share Home Land’ included in NPF manifesto


The ruling Naga Peoples Front (NPF) on Tuesday released the party’s manifesto for the February 27 Nagaland Assembly election. Fight for a ‘shared homeland’ and integration of Naga-inhabited areas is the main agenda of the ruling Naga People’s Front (NPF), which is included it’s manifesto released by party president Shurhozelie Liezietsu, on Tuesday.

It  is mentioned in the manifesto  that ” the NPF will continue to support and work towards realization of a common Naga homeland and future through integration of contiguous Naga-inhabited areas”

The manifesto stated that “NPF will institute a separate peace subvention fund for providing support to all efforts aimed at expediting the resolution of the Naga political issue. The party will also vigorously and persistently work to facilitate an honourable conclusion to the protracted problem”.

While releasing the party’s manifesto Liezietsu said the NPF is committed to the people of Nagaland for implement what is assured in the manifesto.

Asked about the recent BJP-NDPP alliance, Liezietsu said NPF and BJP had shared an alliance since 2003 but this time the latter had walked away on its own. “It is a blessing in disguise for NPF,” he added. Expressing confidence that NPF will come back to power, he said the party will try to accommodate smaller political parties who want to form an alliance with it.


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