
Assam: AGP leaders have surrendered before the BJP govt- alleged Prafullo Mahanta

Mahanta said that he has been opposing the CAB since its inception.


” A section of AGP leaders have surrendered before the BJP government which has conspired to negate the Assam Accord.” alleged former chief minister Prafullo Kumar Mahanta, without naming any one.

Addressing a press conference, he said that the ordinary workers of the AGP are opposed to the CAB. “None of the grassroots workers of the regional party have endorsed the conspiracy of the leaders who have no scruples in pushing the Assamese community to its gravest days just for the sake of fulfilling their narrow political interest and in return for a few ministerial positions and chairmanship of corporations,” said the former Chief Minister.

Mahanta, who was a signatory to the historic Assam Accord, said, “As a partner in the present BJP-led State government, these regional party leaders have turned a blind eye to the anti-Assamese conspiracy by the BJP and are beating about the bush to defend the indefensible and destroy the Assamese culture, language and heritage.”

Mahanta said that he has been opposing the CAB since its inception. “CAB will violate the provisions of the Assam Accord and take away the rights of the indigenous people of the State. Even the forum of religious minorities in Bangladesh has opposed it.

We request all sections in Assam to come forward to protest against the proposed legislation,” said Mahanta, who is also the chief adviser to the Asom Andolan Sangrami Mancha.

Mahanta appealed to the leadership of all the regional forces in the State to “side with the people of Assam, who made great sacrifices during the Assam Agitation.”

To a question regarding the stand of the AGP leadership, Mahanta said, “AGP had taken a decision to oppose the CAB. I do not know why they (the current leadership) are silent. We want them to come out and oppose the CAB. We have a duty to oppose the CAB. The AGP, as an alliance partner of the BJP and with members in the State ministry, should oppose the Bill.”

He also called upon the State BJP unit to come out against the CAB.


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