Assam: Army conduct ex-servicemen rally in Dibrugarh

DIBRUGARH- An Ex-Servicemen rally was organized by troops of Indian Army for all Ex-Servicemen of Dibrugarh District, Assam on 30 January 2021. The rally was organized under the aegis of DAO Division of Spear Corps.
The primary aim of the rally was to provide a common platform to the Ex-servicemen to interact with Army and civil officials and seek redressal to their grievances.
The rally was held at Dibrugarh and was attended by 100 Ex Servicemen. The rally also provided a single-window contact to resolve issues relating to ECHS and CSD Cards.
A number of stalls were also established to disseminate information and to resolve the grievances. The rally was an outreach effort by Indian Army which was well appreciated by veteran warriors.