
Assam: Dr Malay calls for brain stroke free Kokrajhar


By Rinoy Basumatary

The People’s Aid, a charitable organisation has organised a free medical camp and workshop on how to prevent Brain stroke, in collaboration with Indian medical association (IMA) Kokrajhar and Dr Malay’s hospital Siliguri west Bengal at basic training centre auditorium hall  Kokrajhar.

The main purpose of organising the workshop was how to prevent brain stroke and awareness on diet control and other health problems. As the high rate of brain stroke cases are registered from the BTAD areas as well as state, hyper tension, high blood pressure, anxiety, diabetes and kidney failure are the major problem of this region, the workshop aims to prevent and minimise the rate of brain stroke and other neurological problems  renown neurologist Dr Malay Chakraborty  he himself was present on the workshop and free medical camp.

On today’s free medical camp more than 200 patients suffering from hypertension, high blood pressure, brain stroke patients and other spinal problems patients from different corners attended free medical camp

Talking to reporters, Dr Malay Chakraborty said high number of patients from the BTAD as well as state were treated on his nursing home at Siliguri west Bengal, he said that peoples from that area are not aware of brain stroke and 100 out of 90 are having high BP and still many patients from that area are having treatment on his nursing home.

Brain stroke and high BP which is a serious concern and a issue not to be neglected, so I have contacted the peoples aid a charitable organisation who are doing a tremendous job on the field of humanity, to aware the people from that region how to minimise brain stroke and I want to make a BTAD as well as state a stroke free region.

He also urge the local NGOS and district administration to work together hand in hand to prevent brain stroke and for this everyone must unite together and make this area a Brain stroke free region.

The president of the peoples aid  Nava Kumar Basumatary said that It is our privilege to have renown neurologist Dr Malays Chakraborty with us and we welcome him for his selfless afford to minimize brain stroke in BTAD region.

He also said that *the People’s Aid* has been working for the underprivileged person on health, education and livelihood sectors, we are very fortunate to have Dr Malay with us and we will always extend support for this novel cause.

Basumatary appeal  Dr chakraborty to set up a preliminary  referral  centre at kokrajhar so that the patients didn’t need to travel far and to conduct such kind of medical camp monthly.

He also urge  BTC Administration and the citizens of the area to extend their support for this noble cause.


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