Assam: Mega Miss North East, Mega Mister North East contestants pledge to conserve Biodiversity

The contestants of the 16th Sunsilk Mega Miss North East and 9th Garnier Men Mega Mister North East, pageants attended a workshop on Biodiversity Awareness and Conservation at the Assam State Zoo on Sunday.
The main aim of this workshop was to send out a message to the masses regarding the need to conserve the biodiversity through these 100 hundred contestants.
The workshop, conducted in accordance with the theme of the two pageants this year: Biodiversity – For Posterity and Prosperity, gave the contestants an idea on what biodiversity is, how it can be conserved, and what people can do on an individual level to contribute towards protecting our biodiversity.
The contestants were also provided an insight into the process of adopting animals at the zoo, where one can take care of all the requirements of a particular animal for a specified period, thus contributing their bit towards the conservation of a species. They were also introduced to two adopters who have pledged to take care of two animals at the zoo.
Speaking regarding the activity, Tejas Mariswamy, Divisional Forest Officer of Assam State Zoo, said, “Biodiversity comprises of all the species in nature, and every species is important to maintain the balance of nature. It is important that people understand and promote to the younger generations the importance of other species, else we too will be doomed.”
Later, the contestants were taken on a kilometer-long trek in the forests at the zoo, where they were explained regarding the correlation of different plants and tress with different animals, and how they are interdependent for survival in the long run.