
Assam: NF Railway detects 59463 ticketless passengers in a month

NF Railway conducted a massive drive against ticketless travelling and detected  59463 cases of without ticket passengers in a single month.


As a result of intensive drives against ticketless travelling, 59463 cases of without ticket passengers were detected in the month of August 2018.

This is against 28427 cases detected during the corresponding period of last year, the figure of August 2018 shows a steep rise.

An amount of Rs. 4.18 crs was also realised as penalty, which is an increase of about 150 % has been recorded in earning as penalty from ticket less travellers.

During the period from April to August, 2018 this year, as many as 339906 numbers of passengers were detected to be travelling either without ticket or with irregular tickets in trains against 275173 nos detected cases during the corresponding period of last year.

An amount of Rs. 23.42 crs was also realised as fine / penalty during April to August this year as compared to Rs. 17.45 crs during the corresponding period of last year.

It is also to be noted that, in terms of numbers of cases detected N.F. Railway has shown an increase of 34.22% over the last year achievement as against the Indian Railways growth of 16.34%. This is the highest amongst all Zonal Railways.

It may be mentioned here that, NF Railway officials have been conducting surprise ticket checking drive in Mail Express and passenger Trains to curb ticketless travel and also to provide comfortable journey to genuine passenger.

As per section 137, of the Indian Railway Act of 1989, travelling without ticket, improper ticket or un-booked luggage in an offence punishable by imprisonment or fine or both.

To discourage ticketless travelling, Northeast Frontier Railway has also put systems in place whereby surprise ticket checking drive is conducted by Flying Ticket Checking Squads of Divisions as well as HQ.

Fortress checks are also conducted in stations. For this officers are nominated at HQ and Divisional levels from different department who are accompanied by security personal from Railway Protection Force and Govt. Railway Police.


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