Assam: Rescue, safety techniques demonstrated in schools in Hailakandi

International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction Rescue, safety techniques demonstrated in schools in Hailakandi.
The International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction was organised in different schools in Hailakandi on Saturday.
A disaster reduction programme was held at Panchgram Town High School by the faculty members and students. Some demonstrations were given by teachers B. Roy and C Roy to reduce the loss of life and property in the event of natural disaster. It was observed at Kalibari High School at Gharmura. Various tools and apparatus were displayed and demonstrations made how to use them during exigencies when natural disasters like earthquakes strike.
The day was also observed by AC Girls’ Higher Secondary School at Kalinagar in which assistant teacher R.Chakraborty demonstrated rescue and safety techniques to the students at the time of natural calamities.
Observance of the day was reported from different schools across the district, informed by Inspector of Schools, Rajiv Kumar Jha.