
Helping Hands NGO has adopted four north east  orphans girls

New initiative of girls empowerment- Helping Hands NGO has adopted four north east  orphans girls.

New Delhi

Helping Hands NGO has adopted 4 north east orphan girls and sponsoring their education fees etc from Helping Hands Ngo Orphan fund funded by NRI from USA, informed Robin Hibu IPS who is also the president of the NGO. .

 All orphan girls  are mentored by one core member of Helping Hands.

  • Mrs Koj Rinya IFS is mentoring Baby Nada Senyi for whose father died in helicopter crash while saving stranded citizens in flooded area in Aruncahal pradesh.
  • Armstrong Pamei IAS is mentoring Miss Ichubuile Daime whose poor father had died by snake bite.
  • Dr Sangeeta Chanu is mentoring Miss Khaidem Tombisana found from dustbin of Regional Medical College Imphal.
  • Another girl from remote Kurung Kumey district,  Arunachal Baby Bamang Pumin is mentored  by Catholic Priest Father Cyriac .

Still we are searching for an orphan girls from hills of north eastern states to adopt them by Helping Hands NGO, Robin informed.

Helping Hands NGO is privileged to do a bit for these unfortunate orphan girls,  Helping Hands Ngo will endeavour to rebuild their broken life through educational support, Robin added.

Robin  deeply touched by NRI Budhiraja family for sponsoring these orphan girls through Helping Hands Ngo and i am deeply touched by our core members for volunteering to be mentors of these orphans.


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