Mizoram: 479 BJP supporters join ruling MNF in Chakma Council’s Parva MDC constituency

KAMALANAGAR- In a major setback to the Chakma District BJP, as many as 479 BJP supporters on Saturday joined the ruling Mizo National Front ( MNF ) in Chakma Council’s Parva MDC constituency. The significant political development has taken place days after prominent leader and General Secretary (Organization) of the Chakma district BJP Dangu Prityrup Chakma switched sides with the ruling party citing “loss of faith” in the CDBJP leadership.
On Friday evening, a team from the ruling MNF comprising of Chief Executive Member Dangu Rasik Mohan Chakma, his colleagues and high level MNF leaders arrived at Parva, the extreme Indo-Mayanmar and Bangladesh Border about 90 kms from the council’s headquarters, to a rousing welcome by throngs of villagers with flowers and garlands amidst chants of pro-MNF slogans. All the 479 new members were inducted formally during a mass induction programme. Incidentally, it was the CEM’s maident tour to the constituency after assuming office in the later part of 2018.
The Parva constituency in southernmost part of CADC comprising of 6 villages– Parva I, Parva III, Parva IV, Bundukbanga, Gobasury and Siminasora, with a total number of 1970 electorates is currently represented by Congress-turned-MNF MDC Dangu Mohan Chakma who holds the charge of Rural Development, Road Transport and Water Ways under Rasik Mohan Chakma led government.
The latest political development is remarkable and unprecedented in the sense that Dangu Prityrup, who had contested the 2018 CADC poll on BJP ticket, was the most formidable political opponent of Dangu Mohan Chakma. With Prityrup and all his 479 supporters’ exit from BJP to join hands with MNF, Parva has now officially become an opposition-free constituency.
The mass joining has drawn a euphoric response from the CADC MNF leaders. Speaking to media, Dangu Rasik Mohan Chakma has expressed intense happiness over the fast growing public support and faith of the masses in his government. He attributed the achievements and success of his government to the “public welfare policies” coupled with the dynamic leadership and far-sighted vision of his team.
On being asked what prompted him to join the MNF soon after resigning from BJP, Dangu Prityrup Chakma said, “Dreaming is nothing without action. Every action, no matter how small one takes everyday is just a step closer to your big dream. Dangu Rasik Mohan Chakma-led CADC government and rapid development achieved with minimal available resources within such a short span of time is definitely the reason for Chakma District MNF gaining the support of visionary youths and general public.”