NF Railway proposes Safety works to the tune of Rs. 325 crores to Railway Board

Under the broader ambit of safety defined by Railway Minister, to cover station platforms and Foot Over Bridges, N.F.Railway has proposed as many as 28 works to the tune of Rs. 325 Crs for inclusion in supplementary works programme for 2018-19.
These works are , Five numbers proposals for improvement and provision of Running Room at 30 stations have been proposed at a cost of Rs. 71 crores. Ten proposals for improvement and provision of Training Centre at 13 stations have been proposed at a cost of Rs. 94 crores. Three proposals for extensions of platforms at 18 stations have been proposed at a cost of Rs. 45 crores. Seven proposals for provision of Foot Over Bridges at 30 stations have been proposed at a cost of Rs. 105 crores. Three proposals for replacement of LED signals, Batteries and OFC equipments have been proposed at a cost of Rs. 10 crores.
It is to be mentioned here that a renewed impetus on safety by the Zone has yielded definite results. Train derailment case has come down to 1 only from 4 during the corresponding period last year. Accidents at Level crossing gates have also come down to nil from 1 during the corresponding period last year. While no cases of fire has been reported so far.
In the Lumding – Badarpur Hill section, to prevent derailments due to land fall, water logging and heavy rain fall, goomties have been provided in vulnerable locations. Round the clock patrolling of railway track is being done. Trackmen / gangmen have been provided with Walkie – talkie / VHF sets for instant communication with the Station Master. To study soil behaviour, instruments like Inclinometers and Piezometers have been provided. Side drains and Catch water drains are being constructed in cutting locations.
Weekly safety video conferences are being conducted with the Divisional heads of Divisions with zonal HQ. To avoid derailment of trains due to overshoot of signals by drivers, all Loco Pilots are being trained in “on-run” application of emergency brakes. For communication between Loco Pilot and Station Master, Walkie – Talkie sets have been provided.
First time on Indian Railway, Loco Pilots are being trained on application of emergency brakes on the stimulators at Siliguri Diesel Shed. To avoid derailment due to track defects, encroachments close to track are being removed. Continuous cleaning is being done to avoid stagnation of water. Training of staff is being ensured. Under the instruction from HQ, traffic blocks are being systematically planned to ensure that 100% block demanded is being granted. Granting of traffic blocks for working of Track machines has also increased to 49%. Group working of machines introduced for enhanced output & better quality. Supply of track spares and tools are being ensured.
As many as 40 km of through rail renewal has been completed upto October, 2017 out of a target of 50 km set for current Financial Year. All the arrears i.e. about 228 km will be completed by September, 2018.