
Assam: ABSU expresses concern over flood and erosion problem

ABSU demands that the Prime Minister should intervene on the issue and take scientific measure for permanent solution by declaring “Assam Flood as National Problem”


The All Bodo Students Union ( ABSU )  expresses deep concern on the ongoing severe condition of the flood and erosion in Assam in which more than 45 lacs of people are badly affected sheltering in embankment, rural roads under open sky, tarpaulin without adequate facilities and care, relief & rehabilitation i.e. food items, baby food, medicine, cloths, toilet etc. The Union also expresses deep condolence to the untimely death of more than 17 people due to the recent floods.

The Union demands from the state government to take all possible measure in caring the flood affected people in this critical time and to provide adequate relief materials of foods, baby foods, tin, tarpaulin, cloths, medicine and regular visit of the doctors in relief camps etc. Simultaneously, ABSU volunteers of Anchalik and District committees are also distributing relief materials and taking care of the flood affected people in various places as much as possible.

In a press release issued by ABSU, stated that the state government has totally failed in taking preventive measure before monsoon arrives. Every year people of Assam have been suffering from flood and erosion by losing their life and property. Most of the flood affected areas are due to the eroding away of embankments because those embankments are constructed with poor quality, low scientific temperament.

The release said that, “It is also a matter of shame that the Government of India has not declared the Assam flood and erosion as National Problem despite of long time unequivocal demand raised by the people of Assam, various organizations and parliamentarians at different times. If the act of terrorism can be taken as national issue in terms of national security why havoc of flood cannot be taken as national problem where many people losses their life, property and land? Central assistance for flood affected people is also not sufficient in terms of actual relief and rehabilitation required for the present flood condition in Assam”.

ABSU demands that the Prime Minister should intervene on the issue and take scientific measure for permanent solution by declaring “Assam Flood as National Problem”- said the release.

The Union also demands to the central government for allotment of Rs. 1000 crore financial assistance to Assam to mitigate the ongoing havoc of flood and erosion and appeal to the state government for formulation of scientific master plan for sustainable solution of flood and erosion, regular relief material for one year for the affected families, land to the landless erosion affected families and adequate rehabilitation and govt. service to the families for those who have lost their valuable life, property and land. mentioned in the release


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