
Assam Flood: SSSSO team reaches Barkola Village, distributed relief pakets to flood affected people

Nagaon:  Sri Sathya sai seva organisation ( SSSSO) of Assam. Meghalya and Arunachal pradesh Guwahati, reached to the flood effected people of Barkola village of Nagaon District of Assam On 5th of August 2020.

A relief team lead by Sjt. Satyen Sarma president , SSSSO distributed relief packets  containing food and other essential items to one hundred families . They were accompanied by sevadal members of Sathya sai seva samithi of Nagaon .

The most of the families received the relief were from fisherman community and badly affected by flood. The relief team was welcomed in front of local Sikh Gurudwara by local leaders and guided them to the sites for distribution.

The local leaders expressed their gratitude to SSSSO for their magnanimous effort to reach the area and help the needy villagers in this hour of crisis due to flood . They also expressed that this help will be able to address many difficulties faced by the villagers.


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