
Mizoram: New Chairman for 11th CADC elected unopposed

Kali Kumar Tongchangya was elected from 18-Fultuli MDC Constituency on an MNF ticket. This is his third stint as Chairman of CADC and his sixth term as MDC.

KAMALANAGAR-    Kali Kumar Tongchangya, MDC who was the lone contestant for the post of Chairman, CADC was declared elected uncontested by Hiranand Tongchangya, the Protem Chairman in the first sitting of the 11th Chakma Autonomous District Council held today in the CADC Session Hall.

Kali Kumar Tongchangya was elected from 18-Fultuli MDC Constituency on an MNF ticket. This is his third stint as Chairman of CADC and his sixth term as MDC.

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At the outset, a minute of silence was observed in rememberance of the three former MDCs of the previous Executive Committee who had died. Mohesh Boran Chakma and Charan Singh Chakma were killed in a road accident on the way to Aizawl while Amit Kumar Chakma lost his life to attacks by some miscreants at Lokkisury village while he was in election campaign.

The house was filled with energy and enthusiasm shared by the newly elected Members of the District Council.

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All the Members shared the belief that this term would be progressive and meaningful since this newly constituted council comprises a good mix of fresh enthusiasm in the form of 12 first-time elected MDCs and seasoned experience in the form of 8 MDCs who have been in active politics for a long time.

Hence, they hoped there would be no political tussle to paralyze the government. There was no business and transaction in the first sitting of the 11th CADC.


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