
Assam: Change of Baton at Red Horns Division

He was also committed about the onerous responsibility shouldered on him and expressed his happiness in coming back to the Red Horns Division.

GUWAHATI-  Major General S Murugesan has taken over as General Officer Commanding of the coveted Red Horns division on 01 February 2022 from Major General SP Singh, YSM. On assuming command,  he exhorted all ranks to focus on operational preparedness and continue working with utmost zeal and enthusiasm.

He was also committed about the onerous responsibility shouldered on him and expressed his happiness in coming back to the Red Horns Division. He is an alumnus of National Defence Academy and Defence Service Staff College. He holds a Masters Degree in Defence and Strategic Studies as well as a Masters Degree in Management Studies.

He has commanded an Infantry Battalion Group as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Force in North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo and a Mountain Brigade in Counter Insurgency Operations in Assam.

He has held prestigious staff and instructional appointments to include Instructor at Indian Military Academy, General Staff Officer Grade 1 in Military Intelligence Directorate and Colonel General Staff of an Infantry Division and Brigadier General Staff at ARTRAC.


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