AAPP has opposed the proposed 24-hour ” Pharmacy Bandh ” on September 28, called by AIOCD, and ADDA.
The Association of Advance Pharmacy Practitioner (AAPP) has opposed the proposed 24-hour ” Pharmacy Bandh ” on September 28, called by All India Organization of Chemists & Druggists (AIOCD) and Assam Drug Dealers’ Association (ADDA).
the AIOCD and ADDA has proposed the nationwide pharmacy bandh in protest against the Centre’s initiative to supply medicine online.
In a release on Monday, ADDA general secretary Bikram N Choudhury appealed to all the drug traders to stand united and protest Centre’s initiative by shutting their respective pharmacies on September 28.
On the other hand AAPP wrote a latter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi ( copy of which sent to media, signed by Birendra Kumar Barman, AAPP president ) and welcome to the initiatives taken by the Central Government to regulate “ONLINE-PHARMACY in India to support “DIGITAL INDIA” the dream project of for a corruption free India.
AAPP mentioned in it’s latter that ” No Organization has a right to fulfill its demands by making Hostage the Patient is totally in- Human. Particularly, on Principle, the Pharmacist are never permitted to do that. because Pharmacist are not only for human beings but also for All creatures of this world. Pharmacy Profession is for Pain reliever and never to be a Pain giver to anyone” .
Expressing their views AAP requested PMO to take action against the AIOCD and ADDA for calling Nationwide Pharmacy Strike.
AAPP welcome and supporting the Central Govt. move to regulate online sale of Drugs without any changes of the Provisions of “The Pharmacy Act 1948 “, and “The Drugs & Cosmetic Act 1940 regulations 1945”.