
Meghalaya: Shillong businessman attacked by masked man


A prominent businessman of Shillong , Rishan Rapsang popularly known as Bahdeng Rapsang was badly injured after he was hit by an iron rod on his head by an unidentified masked person at the premises of his mother’s residence at Jaiaw Langsning in Shillong on Wednesday evening at around 7.30 pm.

According to family members ” it was a usual practice of Rishan that after closing his office and his shop he would always visit their mother’s place every evening. But yesterday he was suddenly attacked by the masked man who was hiding inside the premises”.

According to sources, the masked man also managed to run away with a substantial amount of cash since Rishan had just closed his shop.

When asked how many people attacked his brother, he said that as per the CCTV footage, the masked man was alone.

Meanwhile the Rishan immediately bring to Woodland Hospital and now his condition is stable.

An FIR has been filed in Lumdiengjri police station in this connection.


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