Assam: Army organises Medical Camp in Gohpur

Around 509 locals to included 200 men, 158 women & 151 children from and around village Maranabari attended the medical camp setup by the army.
Continuing with the endeavor to provide humanitarian assistance to the less privileged populace of Biswanath District, the troops of Indian Army organised a medical camp at village Maranabari in Gophur on 11 September 2019 under Operation Sadbhavna.
Around 509 locals to included 200 men, 158 women & 151 children from and around village Maranabari attended the medical camp setup by the army. Free medical checkup and consultation was provided by the Army & Civil Doctors & free medicines were also distributed for common ailments.
The medical team of Army along with Doctors of BPHC, Biswanath set up the medical camp early in the morning to benefit maximum populace of the area. The camp continued till 4 PM in the evening & patients were screened for various diseases like Tuberculosis, Malaria, Dengue & anemia. The locals were also educated regarding safe water drinking practices, hygiene & preventive measures for various communicable diseases.
The civil populace and the local administration lauded the efforts of the Army and were very happy with the conduct of the medical camp and requested for similar initiatives in future also.